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2012年 05月 13日
日時/Date: 2012年5月17日(木)17:00-18:00
会場/Venue: 東京大学東洋文化研究所1階 ロビー Lobby, 1st Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/index.html 報告者/Presenter: Yuanchong WANG/ 王 元崇 (PhD Candidate, History Department of Cornell University, yw264[at]cornell.edu) タイトル/Title: “The Chosŏn Model” and the Reconstruction of “the Heavenly Dynasty” of the Qing, 1637—1761 報告要旨/Abstract This presentation examines how the Qing utilized “the Chosŏn Model” to construct a new Chinese empire and a new China-centric Zongfan system from the late 1630s to the early 1760s. “The Chosŏn Model” refers to a pattern that a country may follow Chosŏn into the Qing-centric Zongfan (a.k.a. tributary) system by receiving the imperial investitures from the Qing, adopting the reign title of the Qing to count dates, sending tributary emissaries to the Qing, and so forth. The Qing established the Zongfan relationship with Chosŏn in 1637. Through the seven-year-long practice of the Zongfan formalities from 1637 to 1643, the Qing eliminated its former identity as “barbarians” and cultivated the new political identity as“Zhongguo” (the Central Kingdom) in highly hierarchical contacts with Confucianesque Chosŏn against the background of “the Civilized–Barbarian challenge” in the Chinese world. After 1644 when the Manchus crossed the Great Wall to conquer the Ming’s territory, the Qing purposely converted Chosŏn into a prototypical fan (a.k.a. vassal country) and maximized its ritual role to an unprecedented degree to serve the reconstruction of the Qing China-centric Zongfan system. When this system reached its height in the second half of the eighteenth century, which could be marked by the completion of the Qing’s imperial collection Illustrations of Subordinate Peoples of the Imperial Qing in 1761, the Qing presented itself as “Zhongguo” and “the Heavenly Dynasty,” while Chosŏn served as a “barbarian” country on the Qing’s periphery. お問合せ先:日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク(ASNET) 電話:03-5841-5868 e-mail: asnet[at]asnet.u-tokyo.ac.jp
by jindaizhongguo
| 2012-05-13 11:04
| 研究会のお知らせ
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