A Workshop on Chinese Immigration to the Philippines, Japanese and Korean Philosophies, and Source Materials for Asian Studies in Japan and the Philippines
11 March 2009, 9:30 to 3:50, Ricardo Leong Center for Chinese Studies Conference Hall, Second Floor, Dr. Rosita and Ricardo Leong Hall, Ateneo de Manila university (ADMU), Philippines
Introduction to the workshop, explanation of the proceedings, introduction of themorning speakers by Kishi Toshihiko and Lydia N. Yu Jose
Sugaya Nariko(Ehime University) “Spain's Chinese Policy in the Early Modern Philippines”
Comments by Francis Gealogo (Ateneo de Manila University)
Kim Bongjin(University of Kitakyushu) “Reception and Change of the Idea of 'Right(s)' in Nishi Amane: Comparison with that of Yu Kilchun”
Anton Luis C. Sevilla (Ateneo de Manila University)"An Analysis of Dogen's Buddha-Nature as an Ethical Ought"
Chen Laixing(University of Hyogo )"A Comparative Perspective of the Overseas Chinese Societies in the Pacific Rim Regions after the 19th Century"
Comments by Ellen Palanca (Ateneo de Manila University)
Kishi Toshihiko(Kanagawa University) “Source Material Digitalization and Chinese Studies in Japan”
Lourdes T. David (Ateneo de Manila University) "Comparative Analysis of the Asian Collections of Two Philippine Libraries for Selected Countries in Asia"
日本本学術振興会科学研究費(基盤A) 平成18年度-21年度「17-20世紀の東アジアにおける『外国人』の法的地位に関する総合的研究」研究代表者・連絡先:神奈川大学経営学部 貴志俊彦